High performance.

Innovation is key.

SPOT REPAIR PolyGrip Couplings and Adaptors

The PolyGrip Couplings are designed as a simple, high-performance end load restraint mechanical method of joining PVC and HDPE pipe.

Restraint mechanical method of joining PVC and HDPE pipe

Designed to support and grip the pipe, preventing pipe collapse and pipe end pullout. The coupling is suitable for working pressure up to 16 bar (1600 kPa).

Ideal for on-the-spot repairs

The PolyGrip Range includes the following:

Ready and simple to use. PolyGrip products can be installed under wet conditions without shelters, and even under water. It is ideal for on-the-spot repairs, no need for fusion jointing equipment when unexpected problems arise.

The Range

PolyGrip products are available from 90 – 315mm PVC and HDPE pipe outside diameters.