Maximising plant safety.

Maximising plant safety.


Maximise your plant safety with our unmatched training, sessions best suited to your requirements and budget.

Three factors are decisive for plant safety with regard to sealing:

With various training modules in accordance with EN 1591-4 and ASME PPC1 2013 (Flanges and their joints – Part 4: Qualification of personnel competency in the assembly of the bolted connections of critical service pressurized systems), KLINGER ensures that bolting technicians are able to apply tried and proven as well as certified know-how to their sealing tasks. 

Questions pertaining to storage, transport and handling are covered in the theoretical and practical training sessions, as are occupational safety topics, the importance of the correct torque and tools, interlocking elements as well as gasket removal and disassembly. Competency is assessed by means of a multiple choice examination for the theoretical component, and a practical test.

Contact us to schedule a training session best suited to your requirements and budget.